
Paprika Films and Galatée Films are working together to produce A Wolf’s Journey

Paprika Films and Galatée Films are working together to produce A Wolf’s Journey.

Cast out by his pack, a young wolf has to face his destiny alone and try to survive in a world where man reigns as absolute master. His search for a new territory, a new pack and a new family, take him from the forests of Romania to the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean.

This is the incredible story of Slava, the wolf.

This documentary, produced by Vincent Steiger, which is based on real events, makes us think about the future of the wolf but, even more, about the relationship our society has with “the wild”.

World War Zika in post-production

After being filmed in Brazil, the United States and France, for Arte, World War Zika by Malcolm Clark, is in post-production between Paris and London.

The mystery of the Zika virus will soon be lifted.


Filippo Meneghetti transitions to features

From La Bête to Deux, Filippo Meneghetti starts his transition from shorts to feature-length films. Deux, his first film destined for the big screen, which is presently under development, was granted an advance on earnings last March.

This summer, La Bête, a short shot in Breton (with the support of the Département du Finistère and the Région Bretagne) and soon to be broadcast on Orange, will be in post-production.